Sunday, January 21, 2007


week after week i drag myself

days drag me with them as i melt

they pull my flesh away from my bones

day after day..i drift away from my soul.

each step time fuels in detenance so high

the fear itself is torn by

before i break i must abdicate..

but my soul is all that i have

either way i see my fall

deep into the gap that loudly calls

the gap that separates me from my soul

i stretch myself to get back to my soul

but i fall deeper into the dark

i force myself to see

for i really want to believe

the darkness is alluring.

the pain is affluentand

yet so adamant

its all so abstruse

but i refuse to abnegate

i beg to be absolvedfor the sins that i did not commit

the pull is chronic almost incessant

my flesh flutters like clinging robes

my hair resist the declivity

but are sucked in the proclivity

my thoughts desert me....... leave me all alone..

to die a painful death.


Fake & Selfish People Are For Ever Successful said...

You write well.. Keep it up:)

Christopher P Joseph

Unknown said...

u r an awesome writer... i'm impressed...!! keep the good work going girl....

Anonymous said...

i really needed to turn to the dictionary for this one.. what did you do?look up some big words and make a poem outta them??lol.. but i think you write quite well..

Ankur said...

very cool, loved it, smells of pain, tastes of hurt, awesome
check this, i feel you will like it

Ankur said...

didnt know where to post this, so am posting here... I love your photography. I have never seen a more talented photographer before, and the photographs of dried, wilted leaves... awesome !!!
