Monday, January 22, 2007

long forgotten thought

what do i want fom this world
why did you send me here
to suffer thepain,the agony,the treachery,the sorrow.
or to learn,to teach,to gain, to reach new heights.
the answer i just cannot see
or maybe its within my erach
all i need to do
is search within
i have the power thats what i have been told
showed in so many ways
what more can i ask for
look how ignorant i am
how lost i am in the world that is
destructable,inthe people who are
untrustable,in the matters that are
i did not realise
i could not comprehend
the meanings of all those signs
thati need not search for support outside
the support th at i need so much
the support which alone has
the power to replenish my heart
is in sight .. has always been in sight
its just me who has always been blind
its me who could never realise
when the beggining is from within
the ed also has to be therein
i am meant to be independent
yet be dependent,
i am here to make mistakes,
only to learn from them,
to live the pleasures,
yet remember the sorrows,
to express sorrow
with a hint of pleasure,
to believe in people
but not to give away my soul
to gain successs\,
and still know defeat,
to be defeated with
the taste of success
to live my life
not with the fear of death .


Riaz Nizami said...

the best one.......

Anonymous said...

i agree... the best one yet,and optimistic,positive..

Ankur said...

break it into stanzas, it's beautiful and oh-so-real.